新闻|HEC 2020夏校教学形式因疫情调整

为在复工复产下控制疫情蔓延,全球各地多进行有序有限制的解封,在线学习仍为刚需,巴黎HEC商学院2020夏校(Summer School)今年亦改为线上教学。与此同时,HEC孵化器现与韩国创业振兴院(KISED)联手,将筛选具资格的韩国创业公司入驻Station F,申请链接附后。

为应对由新冠病毒造成最紧迫的卫生、社会和财政问题,巴黎HEC商学院2名年轻毕业生与巴黎政治大学及巴黎综合理工大学的学生联合举办了“Hacking COVID-19”黑客马拉松,呼吁采取行动在最短的时间内制定出解决方案。

1. HEC 2020夏校教学形式调整


巴黎HEC商学院2020夏校(Summer School)因受疫情影响决定今年变成线上教学,更多详细信息请登录学校网站: 

HEC将于5月15日之前发布关于Youth Leadership Initiative项目的具体信息,请各位同学及时关注微博信息或学校官网。

To the HEC Paris Summer School community,

Today, our thoughts are first and foremost with all those around the world impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. It is a time when health, family and friendships take on primordial importance, and we are inspired to lead from our core values.

As an institution, HEC has moved to online learning for the sum of its ongoing courses. Professors have shifted their pedagogy and learning methods to take into account challenges and opportunities linked to distance learning. HEC Professors who are also Summer School Academic Directors have deepened their expertise in distance learning through their design and teaching of courses and Master’s level certificates for current full-time HEC students now based around the world.

In view of the current health and travel challenges, and in light of our many exchanges with Summer School participants, we have decided to offer several 2020 summer programs through distance learning. Certain programs, on the other hand, will be postponed until 2021. Full details of the updated 2020 offering are available on our website.

As is the case for all HEC courses taught through distance learning by HEC professors, core program criteria and academic rigor will be maintained.  Each summer program will lead to the obtention of 7 ECTS credits and the award of the HEC Paris Summer School Certificate. Groupwork opportunities among peers will be facilitated and virtual interactions encouraged. 

The admissions process remains a rolling one; all applications going forward for programs from June 8th to July 17th will be considered for the distance learning approach. If you have already enrolled in the Summer School, you will be contacted by our team directly and informed of next steps.

We look forward to this opportunity to create a virtual community with you this summer. Learning at the HEC Summer School will be an innovative, international and intellectually challenging experience. Despite the challenges the world is currently facing, together, we will build an experience for you to cherish this summer and reflect upon fondly in the years to come.

We hope you will join us and welcome hearing from you with your individual questions and concerns at


Warm regards,

Elyse Michaels-Berger Director,

HEC Paris Summer School


2. HEC孵化器联手韩国KISED

 将在Station F迎接新创韩企

HEC孵化器现为韩国创业振兴院(KISED)的官方合作伙伴,两者将联手于2020年10月筛选具资格的韩国创业公司入驻Station F。



  • 可见性 - 透析HEC网络的内与外

  • 资金 - 将在活跃的投资者社区的瞩目中发展

  • 新客户 - 通过与HEC合作伙伴等组织的众多会议和活动

  • 人才 - 您将结识来自巴黎HEC商学院及合作学校的许多学生

  • 办公桌 - Station F

全球最大创业园区 Station F占地 34,000㎡,助力创新企业的发展与加速 (点击了解详情)

所有符合GAPS计划的韩国初创企业都可申请, 欲申请者请填写表格:




Lucille Collet (HEC校友,2015-2019)                Camille Zivré (HEC校友,2015-2019)

巴黎HEC商学院2名年轻毕业生Lucille Collet和Camille Zivré携手巴黎政治大学(Sciences Po Paris)等学生联合举办了“Hacking COVID-19”黑客马拉松,呼吁采取行动在最短的时间内制定出解决方案,以应对由新冠病毒造成的最紧迫的卫生、社会和财政问题。挑战内容包括:

1. 帮助医疗专业人员 

2. 帮助政府

3. 帮助企业

4. 帮助社区

△ 包含HEC校友的Juliette Combret [Grande Ecole/Mater's degree in Finance(2009-2012)] 的Team Granny创始团队







该活动在BeMyApp平台上与Engie、Allianz、Michelin、Auspex International合作,并得到HEC创意中心、X-HEC企业家硕士学位、Moho、SchooLab、Urban Linker、XMP咨询、Slack、HEC种子学生协会等机构的支持。