新闻|HEC院长Peter Todd发表关于种族主义的声明


  •  在愈演愈烈的抗议警察暴力执法及反对种族歧视的示威活动大背景下,巴黎HEC商学院院长Peter Todd近日发表关于种族主义的公开声明(Statement on racism, 全文附后)。
  •  巴黎HEC商学院教授Sihem Ben Mahmoud-Jouini荣获研究技术管理杂志的最佳论文奖。
  •  巴黎HEC商学院十年来第九次蝉联《金融时报》(Financial Times)金融硕士(MiF)世界排名榜首。


1. HEC院长Peter Todd发表声明


Statement on racism——Message from Peter Todd,巴黎HEC商学院是全球最为多元化的商学院之一,这种优势亦带来巨大的责任。近日,HEC院长Peter Todd在发出的公开声明( Statement on racism, 全文附后)中疾呼,我们应当摒弃偏见,相互聆听及试图理解,努力营造并维护一个无歧视、无种族主义的校园和社会。

· Statement on racism · 

Peter Todd | 巴黎HEC商学院 院长

Today we are gripped by yet another global pandemic. This one from a sickness that circulates around all of us constantly, too often silently, and far too often creating pain, suffering and death. It is racism. 

Over the past week we have all seen the tragedy and upheaval created by this racism emanating from the United States. It is not new. Although the US is a country that has long struggled with issues of racial discrimination, deeply rooted in their history and culture, they are neither unique nor alone. Racism is everywhere. 

Black lives matter. We must acknowledge that racism has profound effects on society and devastating effects on the lives of African Americans and people of color all around the world. It never stops and it falls to all of us to take a stand against it, with strength and conviction.

Racism, as I said earlier, is not just an American problem, it is a worldwide scourge and one that requires a global response. Determining that response falls to each individual and to each organization but our responsibility is collective. To speak up. To take a stand.

To speak up when we see racism and discrimination. To acknowledge that we too may have biases, perhaps unconscious, that perpetuate the problem and pain of racial discrimination. To speak up against manifestations of racism, not just when they occur in the blatant and ugly manner we have seen with the murder of George Floyd in Minneapolis and spreading from it with brutal police actions over recent days, but also when we see its more subtle and insidious forms.

But we can’t just speak up. We need to listen. We, in positions of relative power and privilege, need to listen as much, or more, than we need to speak. We need to seek to understand. But in doing so also acknowledge that we can't truly understand the pain and suffering experienced by those subject to racism, discrimination and harassment. But we can and must continue to try. 

To do that we need to talk. To speak to one another, to engage in real conversation. To share experiences and to appreciate diverse perspectives. We are privileged to live in a community at HEC Paris that is among the most diverse of any school in the world. With that privilege comes great responsibility. A responsibility to speak up when we see acts of racism and discrimination in our community and injustice in the world around us. To do that as much or more when it is subtle than when it is egregious. To not just speak up, but to listen to one another and to attempt to understand.

I applaud the efforts of students and staff who have pushed me, and by extension us as an institution, to speak, but also encouraged us to listen and we hope to hear. While we remind ourselves that universities remain at their essence places where divergence of views and opinions are core to learning, arguments are welcome, and indeed embraced. Exploration, debate and argument helps us learn and grow. We also need to remind ourselves that as we grow, as we learn to dare, we must be guided by our principles and values. 

Our principles at HEC Paris embrace, albeit imperfectly, diversity in all its forms. That leaves no room for discrimination and it leaves no room for racism. On that there can be no debate. 

Peter Todd 

Directeur Général and Dean

HEC Paris


2. HEC教授荣获最佳论文奖

 Sihem Ben Mahmoud-Jouini

Sihem Ben Mahmoud-Jouini 

信息系统和运营管理系 教授 | 巴黎HEC商学院

近日,巴黎HEC商学院教授Sihem Ben Mahmoud-Jouini荣获研究技术管理杂志的最佳论文奖。Sihem Ben Mahmoud-Jouini教授是创新创业及设计管理的专家,她在Thales进行了长达6年的分析研究,将设计思想作为一种新的创新方法进行解析。


                                                △ 所发表论文的当期杂志及论文内分析图


3. HEC蝉联全球MiF榜首


权威榜单《金融时报》(Financial Times)于近日公布2020全球最佳金融硕士学位排行,巴黎HEC商学院十年来第九次蝉联榜首。本次排名突显了HEC在培养最优秀金融专业人士方面无可匹敌的业绩,尤其是为学生和校友们提供了“杰出的职业发展”。


Alexei Ovtchinnikov

HEC MiF项目学术总监 | 巴黎HEC商学院



—— Alexei Ovtchinnikov在得知HEC喜获榜首后发言