【4月14日讲座预告】Jeremy Ghez:乌克兰冲突和世界经济脱钩


活动介绍 / Event

目前俄乌局势会进一步加剧大国之间的不信任,而超级大国为保护自身利益,尽量免受彼此行动、制裁的影响,将进一步加速这种互不信任局面的进程。法国总统马克龙(Emmanuel Macron)提出让欧盟在能源、食品和安全方面更加独立的既定目标就是一个完美的例证,而中国和美国的类似战略表明这可能成为全球将要面对的新现实。

The ongoing conflict in Ukraine could accelerate this process by increasing distrust among great powers who may seek to shield themselves from each other’s actions, sanctions and retaliations. French President Emmanuel Macron’s stated objective of making the European Union more independent when it comes to energy, food and security is a perfect illustration of this. Similar strategies in China and in the United States suggest this could become our new reality.


If great powers decided to increasingly rely on independent supply chains and increasingly different norms and standards, economic integration and interdependence would no longer characterize globalization the way they have for the past three decades. This scenario of economic decoupling, which a recent HEC Paris and American Chamber of Commerce in Paris White Paper has described, would have a wide range of implications in the way businesses operate, grow and strategize.

巴黎HEC商学院国际办公室(北京,伦敦,东京,纽约,阿比让)很荣幸联合举办此次直播活动,在本次讲座中,Jeremy Ghez教授将深入探讨经济脱钩的驱动因素,并分析乌克兰战事将会在多大程度上增速全球经济脱钩的进程。

The HEC International offices are pleased to invite you to this online webinar. In this talk, we’ll explore the drivers of economic decoupling and consider the extent to which the war in Ukraine may be increasing the prospects of a fragmented globalization. 


活动时间 / Time

北京时间4月14日,北京时间19:00 -20:00

14th April, 19:00-20:00 CET+8


语 言 / Language

 英语 / English


活动报名 / Registration

请扫码注册入会 / Scan QR Code for Registration.


如对本次活动有任何问题,可咨询邮 songmo@cciparis.net

For any inquiries, please email songmo@cciparis.net


嘉宾介绍 / Speaker


Jeremy Ghez

经济学与国际事务 副教授 | 巴黎HEC商学院

Jeremy Ghez是巴黎HEC商学院经济学与国际事务副教授,担任可持续与社会创新(SASI)研究生课程的科学主任和本校地缘政治中心的学术主任。他的研究深入战略前瞻、战略突然性、全球政治与经济、治理与商业新模式、欧美政治以及中东事务等领域。其作品出版于兰德公司期刊以及Survival等期刊的评论板块。Jeremy还兼任兰德欧洲的研究员,并曾是一家法国季刊La Nouvelle Revue Géopo litique的编辑。在巴黎HEC商学院,Jeremy主要教授管理科学硕士、MBA和EMBA的经济学和地缘政治学课程,他拥有巴黎HEC商学院的商学硕士、巴黎经济学院的经济学硕士以及帕蒂兰德研究生院(Pardee RAND Graduate School)的博士学位。

2016年,Jeremy Ghez获得“亚马逊经济学”案例奖。2019年,Jeremy被Poets and Quants评为全球40位40岁以下最佳MBA教授之一。Jeremy作为特邀嘉宾曾多次出现在法国各种媒体上如彭博社和法国24电视台。

Dr. Jeremy Ghez is associate professor of Economics and International Affairs at HEC Paris. He is the scientific director of the school’s master program in Sustainability and Social Innovation as well as the academic director of the HEC Paris Center for Geopolitics. His research and teaching focuses on populism, the global business environment, strategic foresight, tech giants, as well as on US and European politics. Previously, he was an assistant policy analyst and a research fellow at the RAND Corporation and at RAND Europe. 

In 2016, he received an award for his case study on “The Economics of Amazon.” In 2019, he was named one of the world’s 40 best under-40 MBA professors by Poets and Quants. He has appeared on Bloomberg and France 24, as well as on various French media.


了解更多 / Find out more events about Jeremy Ghez:

HEC教授Jeremy Ghez如何看待当今的国际热点?

专访HEC教授Jeremy Ghez:世界贸易基本原则仍未动摇,中欧应共同探索全球治理新模式



主办方 / Organizers



由巴黎工商会于1881年创立,是法国最负盛名的商学院,也是世界最著名的商学院之一,被《金融时报》评为“欧洲第一商学院” 。

巴黎HEC商学院各专业均属世界顶级:管理学专业排名世界第1;金融专业排名世界第1 ;市场营销专业排名世界第1;战略管理专业排名世界第1;MBA排名世界第2;EMBA排名世界第1。巴黎HEC商学院作为世界商业领袖的摇篮,培育了众多世界500强企业CEO及政界菁英,其中包括欧莱雅集团CEO,开云集团CEO,家乐福集团CEO,百思买集团CEO,施耐德CEO,法国电信CEO,法国电力CEO,安盛CEO,巴黎银行CEO,摩根士丹利董事长,法国总统,法国总理,世界贸易组织(WTO)总干事,以及国际货币基金组织(IMF)总裁等。在《泰晤士高等教育》公布的全球CEO母校排名中 ,巴黎HEC商学院位列欧洲第1,世界前3。