活动报名 | 构建绿色转型网络暨HEC生物多样性白皮书首发会



HEC Transition - Virtual Networking event - 

Launch of the HEC Alumni White Paper on Biodiversity

尽管越来越多的企业和机构对气候问题作出了明确的承诺,但生物多样性的主要问题得以解决的却不多。在这类问题上,企业和机构越来越多地受到其利益相关者的挑战,而在社会影响方面,多样性战略和气候战略之间必须建立有效衔接,以及相互依赖的良性关系。为发掘及解决生物多样性的主要问题,巴黎HEC商学院校友会主导撰写关于生物多样性的第一部白皮书即将发布!在HEC校友会主席Adrien Couret (H.07)和巴黎HEC商学院院长Eloïc Peyrache的大力支持下,该书由与企业和非政府组织领导人、投资者和专家等的系列采访汇编而成,将在《生物多样性公约》缔约方大会第十五次会议(COP 15)前提交予谈判代表作为参考。

While climate issues are identified with clear commitments made by a growing number of companies, the issue of biodiversity remains too little addressed. Companies are increasingly challenged by their stakeholders on this subject. In addition, convergences and interdependencies must be established between strategies for biodiversity and for the climate, in terms of social impact. This White Paper has been created thanks to a series of interviews with business and NGO leaders, investors and experts. The paper will be submitted to the negotiators ahead of COP15.

现诚邀您于6月8日19:30(北京时间)参与我们即将举行的构建绿色转型网络暨HEC生物多样性白皮书首发会。届时,白皮书编写小组代表Christine Rodwell (H.92)、HEC转型俱乐部联合主席Adam Melki (H.21)及商界代表嘉宾将与您分享相关的想法和见解。

We are delighted to invite you to discover the main issues of biodiversity for business, and the main conclusions of HEC Alumni newly released White Paper during a global and online networking event on June 8th.,19:30 Beijing time.

通过这次活动,您将能够第一时间了解新成立的HEC Transtion Club,在分组会议上分享想法和见解, 获得相关的咨询经验。  

By joining this exclusive event, you will be able to: connect with the newly renamed HEC Transition Club, share ideas and insights during collaborative breakout sessions; get the lessons of consultation of several months. 

*《生物多样性公约》缔约方大会第十五次会议(CBD COP15)


时间 Time

6月8日星期三 北京19点30

8th June, 19h30 Beijing time

| 7.30am (NY) | 12.30pm (UK) | 1.30pm (FR) | 8.30pm (Japan)  


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活动报名 Registration


Please copy the link to PC or mobile browser to register,  contact songmo@cciparis.net

if any questions




Hautes Etudes Commerciales Paris 

(HEC Paris)


Wechat: HEC-EXED



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