活动报名 | HEC教授Jean-Noël Barrot:搭建研究和政治的桥梁



—— 巴黎HEC商学院副教授Jean-Noël Barrot讲座

IMPACTFUL RESEARCH - Building Bridges between Research and Politics

—— With Jean-Noël Barrot(HEC Paris

HEC“影响性研究系列讲座(Impactful Research Talks)”为巴黎HEC商学院国际办公室(HEC International Offices)主办的全新活动,旨在传播HEC教学团队的最新研究,以期为个人和职业生活传播积极影响,并提供获得专业学术见解、与教授直接沟通的渠道。

The HEC International offices are pleased to invite you to the second event of our brand new series “Impactful Research Talks”. Over a 1-hour talk, HEC professors will be sharing about their latest research, impactful for your life – personal & professional. This is an exclusive moment for you to connect with HEC Paris Professors and to learn about the latest cutting-edge research on various topics!

本期讲座特邀嘉宾为HEC副教授Jean-Noël Barrot,其研究领域包括创业金融,产品与资本市场互动,曾多次在《金融学》( Journal of Finance)《金融经济学》( Journal of Financial Economics)和《管理科学》(Management Science)等国际顶级期刊上发表文章。在本次讲座中,Barrot将分享结合金融研究与议员职务,立足新突破口所取得的价值性成果,特别是在COVID-19危机期间,他向政府提交了一份报告,其中详细介绍了帮助法国从该流行病中恢复的建议。

Jean-Noël Barrot will share with us his latest findings, combining his research in finance with his role in parliament in an effective way, especially during the COVID-19 crisis, where he submitted a report to the government in which he detailed proposals to help France recover from the pandemic.


Please join this session for an insightful session to learn more about Jean-Noël Barrot's research and how his political experience fed his findings and how his research drove public policies decisions.

演讲者 Speaker


Jean-Noël Barrot


研究领域包括创业金融,产品与资本市场互动。在最近的研究中,其探讨了贸易信贷对企业创造和生存的影响、从供应商到消费者的冲击传播,以及全球化对资产价格和家庭债务的影响,其他在巴黎政治经济学院(Paris School of Economics and Sciences Po)获得硕士学位,在巴黎HEC商学院获得金融经济学博士学位,还曾在麻省理工大学斯隆管理学院(MIT Sloan School of Management)任教。

Jean-Noël Barrot teaches entrepreneurial finance at HEC Paris. His research interests include entrepreneurial finance, and the interactions between product and capital markets. In recent work, he has explored the implications of trade credit for business creations and survival, the propagation of shocks from suppliers to customers, and the implications of globalization for asset prices and household debt. He has published in leading economics journals like the Quarterly Journal of Economics, the Journal of Finance, the Journal of Financial Economics, and Management Science. He earned Master degrees from Paris School of Economics and Sciences Po, as well as a PhD in financial economics from HEC Paris. Jean-Noël has also taught at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Sloan School of Management. 


时间 Time

2022年6月23日星期四 北京时间 19点

noon12.00(UK) | pm1.00(FR)| 7pm (CN)


活动形式 Platform


活动语言 Language



报名方式 Registration


Please copy the link to PC or mobile browser to register,  contact songmo@cciparis.net if any questions




Hautes Etudes Commerciales Paris 

(HEC Paris)


Wechat: HEC-EXED



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