The 1959 Boom will always be remembered as the one that was most-talked about. By choosing to launch a publicity campaign for a bogus product to advertise the evening of 7th February, the students managed to attract attention from all over Paris. From December 1958, “Sterlitz Water, the water that goes boom” was displayed in the streets of the capital and even gave rise to a commercial projected on Parisian cinema screens. As a result of the success of this campaign, some of the great brands began to fear the arrival of this new competitor. The hoax reached its peak during a press conference at which the students announced that the source was to be found under Les Invalides. Having proven the potential of their creativity and demonstrated their advertising skills, the students of the class of ‘59, managed to break the attendance record with a boom that moved a dozen fire engines. These were in effect called to surroundings of 108 boulevard Malesherbes, faced with the threat of a collapsing floor!
Sterlitz Water, the water that went "boom" at the HEC Boom 1959!
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