A real institution at HEC, but also more widely amongst Parisian students, the Boom is THE annual party organized by HEC students. With lengthy preparations, this event gives the students a chance to truly unleash their overwhelming creativity, especially with all the posters they design. Taking place on the ‘Boulevard Malesherbes’ for the very last time before the move to Jouy-en-Josas, the 1963 Boom truly deserved its front page spot in the French newspaper ‘Le Monde.’ On the agenda: music hall performances in the music hall, jazz concerts and orchestras. “The Boom is the product of young people who think in actions,” the article proclaims. “It goes far beyond a normal Parisian party,” all of the revenue that is made from the Boom is given directly to a Charity organization. At HEC Paris both the organization of evening social events and social business are a vocation.